Sunday, January 11, 2009

Banana Cake

This is a video created with photographs. Good option if you don't want to appear on the Internet.
250 gr banana ( smashed )
200 gr sugar
2 eggs
200 gr flour
1,5 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
125 g olive oil
1 Put the sugar and the eggs in a mixing bowl
2 Mix the sugar and the eggs for 5 minutes
3 Add the milk
4 Add the olive oil
5 Smash the bananas with a fork
6 Add the banana smash
7 Sieve in a colander the flour , baking powder and baking soda
8 Make sure all the ingredients are mixed really well
9 Put the mix into a tray and preheat the oven and when the oven is ready bake the
cake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees